Good Food Coffee & Bakery, Dubai
Most of the things that I tried or wanted to try were kind of pre-decided. I am the kind of person who plans meals in advances and my weekends even more so, allowing me ample time to day dream about it (It is part of the process of enjoying your meal, kind of like being reunited with a long distance friend/lover. The slow torture till you finally meet and the union is even more gratifying. I know I am not wrong
). This however was not that. This was a whimsical decision. Your eyes spotting something and you got to have it moments! That;s another kind of love affair. This belonged to that category. And I am sure as glad that our eyes locked.
What attracted me about the place was the cylindrical shaped chimneys. If you follow enough food bloggers, travel bloggers and especially if they are a combination of both, you would have identified these chimneys .Exactly why when I spotted them in a crowded Dubai Mall, I knew I had to have it because I didn't think I would find them anywhere but in the streets of a few European countries.
I had thought I would be ordering one and share it with the friend but I had forgotten my dear friend has a sweet tooth the size of an elephant and he ordered two (We had a heavy lunch as well). So I wanted the not-so-plain french vanilla lined with nutella and he ordered for the apple pie and soft serve. I wish though he had ordered the blue berry one. (I kind of enjoy dictating what others eat according to what I want to try, so I can barter and do half-half if required
) The chimney to me felt somewhere to be a crossover between a donut and a cinnabon and smeared all over with sugar, Some have gone on to say it resembles a donut but at least this one didn't completely. I can't be the judge of it, since this was the first time I had it and have nothing to compare it to. The only alteration I would have preferred is the chocolate being more melted and a little on the warmer side. I think it would have added more character. Otherwise the french Vanilla compliments well this little spherical piece of bread. If you are an apple pie fan, go for it. I unfortunately have never understood why anyone would want to pulp them out and then heat them, does not so appealing to me. But to everyone who does find it so, you will not regret it.
All I can say now is, is there any thing you do not get in Dubai? Should have stayed longer to find out.
WHAT WE HAD - Chimney Blizzard - French Vanilla (Yumness)
Chimney Strudel - Apple Pie (Yumness)