Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I have an attachment to breakfasts - getting up early morning, with sleep in your eyes, but with the first bite, and chai maybe, how it just transforms your day. Suddenly it all seems alright! I can handle today. There was a time when I wouldn't eat breakfast, some times to tell myself I am just cutting calories and others because who is going to put in the effort to prepare breakfast. If your mom has been harping about the importance and the charisma that this meal holds, she is absolutely correct. I don't cook generally, but I will always, always make breakfast if I have to now! And it's just improved my outlook on the day. I wouldn't say I feel chirpier, but the crankiness definitely reduces. And knowing me that's a lot. 
Though my friends don't necessarily feel the same way especially if they have to get out of bed to and drive to a place for breakfast, but I did make one of my friends do exactly this and even though he whined about it, when the food finally arrived he resonated my feels. Try it!
I have written about this place before, I am absolutely in love with the quirkiness of this place. The interiors are a class apart and also an example of how a comparatively small space can do so much, things seem thrown in randomness and yet it looks like it belongs there. Also, the juke box lends the much vintage charm to the place and blue indeed is my favorite color! So the place is extremely appealing to me
Yes, it's perfectly okay to have French fries for breakfast. You would know this If you were born and brought up in the Middle East. That's what we did in our Physical Education period. Devour on French Fries.
We went for the savory waffles for my friend and Egg Florentine for me with Oreo SHake and Orange Juice. Also, like I said French Fries. I have always preferred waffles to be sweet but I have always been intrigued of the savory kind and this place does full justice to it. Second to Di Bella's which does the sweet version. My friend wanted to go for seconds. The Eggs Florentine, I like the yellow liquidy eggs, which is why I had opted for this particular item off the menu. For some reason the roasted mushrooms seemed missing from the meal, even though it is mentioned in the description. It was served with roasted potatoes. I happen to love potatoes as well. The egg Florentine looks one of the most easiest things to make technically, but don't be fooled. It is one of the hardest to pull off. I am a times wary as I am not a huge fan of even a little raw spinach, but here I was more than happy to eat my share. The Oreo shake, I believe no one can go wrong with it, especially if it is me who has ordered it. It is an all time favorite. The Orange juice was refreshing as per my friend, I didn't even bother having a sip, because I am allergic to everything healthy. 
. The French fries were perfection and I even liked the way the plating was done.
Jam Jar is the city's favorite breakfast spot. It's mine too and it should be yours too, if it isn't already. 
WHAT WE HAD - French Fries (Yumness)
Spicy Jalapeno & Quesso Waffles (Yumness)
Eggs Florentine (Yumness Personified)
DAMAGES - Rs 1200/- (Approx)
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